Hi everyone,
should I talk about my frustrations on my blog?
I thought it wouldn't be an honest blog if I didn't share what was happening throughout my build!
So over the last few months some things have been happening & today it has been quite annoying really!
Have waited quite a while to share with you all, as I was hoping pd would give me the credit I feel owed from the changes in my site! !
1. Was lied to at tender - told didn't know who my neighbours were when they had signed up with the same builder 4 months prior.
2. Upon signing off my neighbours plans saw that they were building with same builder & we both had a retaining wall each on the same boundary! Theirs was alot smlr than mine though! When I questioned them was told if we went to site together this would become one wall!
3. So we went to site together & one wall was built 2 wks ago. I was told that we would both pay 50/50 for that one wall!! Doesn't seem to be!! My credit was not half of the cost from original tender, I am paying 80% of the wall!
4. Lastly a big chunk of the wall wasn't built because my neighbours garage is going on our boundary, fine by me to help my neighbours out :-) but apparently I'm carrying some of their costs for their garage wall!
Feel great venting my frustrations!