Saturday, September 10, 2011

Portico rendered

Hi everyone,
Went to the house this arvo, looking good.
Portico was rendered and most of the inside looks painted. My kitchen handles were still the same not changed!
Meeting my SS hopefully monday or Tuesday to see painting! Will hopefully post some pics then of house painted!

Pic of of portico rendered!


  1. Render looks very nice, matches the bricks perfectly. What colour is it?

  2. Lol render isn't painted yet! Its the undercoat. It will be painted Jasper colour .

  3. Hi Mel,

    They did a nice job on the render.

    With that kind of care, the painting should look great.


  4. LOL Mel! They did a fab job with the rendering then, I thought the paint was still wet (least i'm not the only one) ;-)

    Post us a pic then when it is done and I will comment then hehe

  5. Haa haa too funny, I'm sure the Jasper colour paint will loom great too
