Well what an exciting day it was today to sign our life away. ;-)
we started our appointment at 9a and finished at 1.30p.
I was quite surprised that the contract was pretty much 100% correct with all my upgrades & selections. Have heard some horror stories. We decided on a few more things too & changes, which they were quite happy about in terms of making variations on the contract.
We added in a gas point to the alfresco & another outside tap on the other side of the house :-) I also decided to change our floating timber floors to Kempass from tassie oak. And bonus was that it was much cheaper. Was rapt :-)
We took out the broom cupboard in the laundry & extra bench, and made the benchtop in the pantry laminate, so it is sturdy for heavy things :-) we also decided to frost the 2 toilet windows.
My csv A, I will call them was really good. So far my experience with pd has been positive :-)
Am now rapt that it is all done. Well part 1. My csv said second soil test is being ordered as they had just received an email this morning stating that our land should title by end of nov. Yippee I say. Can't wait for the actual build to begin. Even though we have signed up for a dec site start (no set date as of yet) think it will be prob be Jan.
See pic below of new flooring chosen from their brochure.